Getting Serious

Since this month starts a brand new year, I’ve decided that I need to stop simply dreaming and make things happen. My first step is becoming a member of a local community of fellow writers, The Greater Lehigh Valley Writers Group. By joining, for the first time ever I will be surrounded by people who actually comprehend that euphoric feeling of cracking open a new book (or even an oldie, but goodie) and the excitement that churns in our chests when we’re on a creative roll, sitting in front of our laptops. In short, I’ll be able to talk to people who just get it.

This group of writers meets one a month to discuss common writing pitfalls, share inspiration, and offer critiques on works in progress. Moreover, at the end of each months are workshops dedicated to improving your writing and sharing a wealth of knowledge on the world of publishing. I’m greatly anticipating this month’s upcoming workshop on self-publishing. This is my Plan B if I struggle in the traditional route so I’m excited to learn more.

Lastly, but certainly not least, the group holds an annual writer’s conference which last two full days and consists of multiple workshops for writers of all levels. Between a well-known key note speaker from a distinguished publishing company, to opportunities to network with other authors and meet potential literary agents, this will be an experience I know will kick-start my ambition to become a serious author and possibly, for the first time in my life, make those distant dreams something to actually strive toward. After all, you can do anything in this world, if only you believe that you can.

M. McKnight

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